
Eat for nutrition, NOT for pleasure

We have become a nation of people in search of instant gratification. We reach for things that make us feel good RIGHT NOW. Things that are no effort based, like certain foods. We must not only choose the correct foods, but choose healthy activities to take the place of our unhealthy urges.

GOAL - To eat when I am hungry for nutrition, NOT when I am bored, stressed, tired, or full.

Sleep on the floor, the HARD WOOD floor.

Let your muscles RELAX for once as your skeletal frame, tendons, and ligaments are forced to hold your body up. Your hips will correct, you spine will straighten out, and you WILL sleep, though not very well at first. 

GOAL - To continue to sleep on the floor, and continue to discover new ways of improving my sleep.

Embrace the coldest water I can

This is very simple and healthy, yet difficult to do on a daily basis. In the cold, you exercise every cell in your body, boost your immune system, and build mental and physical strength. You will become increasing able to put yourself in other difficult situation.

GOAL - I will continue to make myself as uncomfortable as I can in the cold. Like the saying goes, "What doesn't kill you makes you steronger>"

Remember what it was like to be young.

We may be adults, but we must foster our childlike enthusiasm and attitudes. That fun-loving, adventurous side of you isn’t gone, it just needs to be woken up.

GOAL - I will always choose fun and adventure over comfort and inactivity.

Do you have similar goals? Let me help you reach them!